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What is Physie?


Physie is a dance sport for girls and women which incorporates elements of modern dance, ballet, gymnastics and Pilates.  It builds core strength, flexibility, posture, co-ordination and confidence through its unique routines.

Each year the Bjelke-Petersen School Of Physical Culture (BJP) releases its syllabus to clubs all around Australia. Students then learn the syllabus routines and practice these in preparation for performances and concerts held in the second half of the year.


Toowoomba Physie offers classes for students from 4 to 104 for beginners or ex-dancer’s who might like to return to dance. There are opportunities to be involved in a variety of events including competitions and performances.



Toowoomba Physie and Dance logo

Toowoomba Physie is proudly associated with the Bjelke Peterson School Of Physical Culture (BJP), 

Our mission is to see each individual achieve their personal best. Toowoomba Physie offers an encouraging and supportive environment where students learn self-discipline, commitment and sportsmanship through physie. We support each individual to develop a positive body image and encourage each student to be the best version of themselves. We aim to promote healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy relationships.


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