When Is The Best Time Of The Year To Start Physie?
As a teacher, I am often asked, "Can we start classes in term 2?" Today I would like to explain why signing up to Physie at the start of...
Meet Our New Teachers!
This year marks the 125th anniversary of Physical Culture (commonly known as Physie) in Australia. This uniquely Australian dance sport...
The Syllabus Is Here!
How exciting! Our teachers have received the 2017 syllabus and are already learning the steps in preparation for classes beginning next...
Where Do I Begin?
Whether you are a returning member or looking into what Physie is, Toowoomba Physie is aiming to make the process as simple and straight...
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to a new physie season! In less than a week we will celebrate Toowoomba Physie's 5th Birthday! What an amazing ride it has...